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5 Ways to STAND OUT in a One Way Interview - Spark Hire Interview

One-way interviews are becoming increasingly popular. It's where you are given each interview question one at a time and have to record your timed response to be reviewed later.

In this video, you'll be learning what to expect in Spark Hire one way interviews. You will know how to prepare, examples of how to prepare your answers, some clever approaches to make you sound natural and also give you the key thing to say to dramatically increase your chance of hearing back and getting that next interview.

Some of the most common pitfalls include:

🍊Sounding too scripted

Prepare but don't sound like you're reading from a sheet! I share the key ways to prep.

🍊Appearing low energy

It's rough speaking into a camera where no one is on the other side, but you'll need to be more energetic than you would normally be for your personality to show. I give a tip that gives your energy a jolt.

🍊Running out of time

The countdown timer REALLY can be distracting, I give some tips in the video of how to handle this

🍊IT goes wrong

I recommend using your computer instead of phone, but sign in to a "guest" account on your computer to ensure none of your typical notifications pop up mid-interview.

Check out the video for lots more info! Spark Hire is one of the typical one-way interview platforms, but these tips will help you with any of them.

Do you believe companies should do one-way interviews?

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Follow Up Email Templates - Use these to craft the perfect follow up email after your interview to hear back & land the next interview. Snag it here

COVID-19 Follow up email templates to hear BACK during this time. Get them here

Watch this video about The Powerful Formula to Answer the Most Common Interview Questions (Story Toolbox). Video here

Here's a video on I RAMBLE! How to be Concise & Give a Perfect Interview. Watch here

Wanna learn How to be More Confident in an Interview? Watch the video here.

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