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How to Prepare for an In Person Job Interview (4 Things You MUST Do)

Updated: Jul 22, 2022

Job interview preparation is EVERYTHING! Here's how to do it quickly and effectively. In today's video, I am going to teach you how to prepare for a job interview in a super quick and efficient way. This will dramatically help you stand out in phone, video and in-person interviews.

I walk you through 4 quick ways to research the company and 4 other key things to do before the interview.

To research a company you should:

🍊1. Practice out loud summarizing what the company does

🍊2. Have a clear, specific answer as why you are interested in that company (don't stop researching until you have it!)

🍊3. Find the stats about the company. Don't waste time asking about things that are easily Google-able

🍊4. Find a current piece of news about the company - drop it into conversation and they will know you did your research well beyond other candidates

And then I talk about the 4 things I do for my clients and students that make them feel incredibly prepared (you can do it too!)

Watch the full video for all the tips!

How do you prepare?

Free Download!

"Tell me about yourself" free guide. This worksheet will walk you through the process of writing out a compelling & concise answer. Snag it here.

Here's a video on How to Write a 3 Step Easy Cover Letter. Watch it here!

Watch this video on How to Stand Out in an Onsite Interview (BAMF Binder/Portfolio Creation). Watch here.

Here's a FULL PLAYLIST on How to Answer Top Interview Questions. Watch it here.

Watch this video on How to Answer Behavioral Interview Questions. Watch it here.

Here's also a video on How to Make a Story Toolbox - The Key to Interviews!. Watch here.

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